Join in Prayer

Would you join us in prayer? How can we pray for you?

Jesus practiced prayer with diligence and priority.
He modeled a life full of prayer and taught his followers how to pray.
Prayer is a life giving practice and vital for your relationship with God.

Join us as we pray for each other,
our community, and the world.

Community Prayers

Please take the following to the Lord today...

Current Prayer Concerns
Debra London (Pat Tucker's sister)- she had a stroke (she is in Fort Myers, FL)
Prayer Request
Most Recent
Emma Nycum (Sheryl & Tom Magee's granddaughter), Grace Nottingham, Mark Geer (Brenda Riding's nephew), Rhonda Blake & family, Michael (Sallie Seaton-Elliott's husband), Mildred Freeman & family, David Williams, Deanie & Jim Clements, Kay Jarratt, Kristal Moore, Susan McNeil (David Williams' sister), Patricia Stout (Bill Gibson's sister), Ellen Bailes, Kylie Bailes, Pat Hayes, Ed Newman, Colton Berger (Nancy & Bobbie Joe Berger's grandson), Verta Blake, Hope Bean (friend of Ray & Pat Tucker), Bridget Rubes, Hunter Alesio (Jewel Barger's great-grandson), Larry Buckles (Sue Hart's brother), Anthony Tillar (Robin & David Tillar's son), Jeffery Farrier (Ronnie & Brenda Miller's son-in-law), Bobby Sasser, Shanon Higbee (Tim Meredith's co-worker), Arlene Goodwin (Nancy Berger's sister), Vanessa Harper, Wayne Nesbitt (Chuck & Tonya Mahaffey's son-in-law), Pam Carroll (Debbi Miller's friend), Cheryl Walker, Gloria Beck, Mary Jandl (Betty Johnson's sister)
Prayer List
Kimberly Ellington, Angie Farrier, Kara & Stephanie Felter, Doris & Henry Fogle, Evon Gosnell, Peggy Herring, John Jones, Kitty Lipscomb, Barbara Marshall, Grace Nottingham, Sterling Osborne, Phyliss Shobe